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Harness the Power of Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback Facebook Post

Customer feedback is invaluable for improving your business and meeting your customers' needs. Here are five tips for effectively gathering and using customer feedback: 

  1. Ask for Feedback: Regularly Use surveys, comment cards, or online feedback forms to ask customers for their opinions regularly. Make it easy for them to share their thoughts on your products, services, and overall experience. 
  2. Listen and Respond: Show customers that you value their feedback by responding promptly and thoughtfully. Address any concerns or issues they raise and thank them for their input. 
  3. Analyze Feedback: Collect and analyze feedback to identify common themes and trends. You can use this data to gain insights into what you're doing well and where you can improve. 
  4. Implement Changes: Take action based on the feedback you receive. Implementing customer suggestions and improving shows you are committed to providing the best possible experience. 
  5. Communicate Improvements: Let your customers know about the changes you've made based on their feedback. Highlighting these improvements can build trust and demonstrate that you value their input. 

Customer feedback is a powerful tool for growth and improvement. By actively seeking and responding to feedback, you can enhance your customer relationships and drive your business forward. 

Protecting Your Business Against a Catastrophe

Surviving a Major Emergency

Protecting Your Business Against a Catastrophe 

Could your business survive a major emergency like a fire, storm, or explosion? At Community Futures, we emphasize the importance of being prepared. Here's a 4-point catastrophe recovery strategy to help you safeguard your business: 

  1. Minimize Risk: Train employees in fire safety, modernize electrical systems, and ensure your building meets damage-resistance codes. 
  2. Develop a Disaster Recovery Plan: Back up essential records off-site, identify critical business activities, and make advance arrangements for alternative facilities and equipment. 
  3. Set Up an Emergency Response Plan: Train employees on emergency procedures, maintain essential supplies, and have a communication strategy for clients. 
  4. Review Your Insurance: Ensure comprehensive coverage, including property, business interruption, and extra expense insurance. 

Stay proactive and protect your business from unexpected disasters. For more detailed guidance, contact us at Community Futures. 

Choosing between Leasing or Buying equipment

Leasing or Buying Post 1

Choosing between leasing and buying equipment is crucial for small businesses.

Here's a summary of key considerations: 

  1. Cost: Leasing typically involves lower upfront costs compared to buying. It can be a cost-effective option for businesses with limited capital. 
  2. Flexibility: Leasing offers flexibility, as you can easily upgrade to newer equipment. It's suitable for businesses with evolving needs or seasonal fluctuations. 
  3. Ownership: Buying equipment provides ownership and long-term cost savings. It's ideal for essential assets with a long lifespan and stable usage. 
  4. Maintenance and Repairs: Leasing often includes maintenance and repair services, reducing the burden on your business. However, owning equipment gives you full control over maintenance and customization. 
  5. Tax Benefits: Both leasing and buying offer tax benefits, but they vary. Consult with a tax professional to understand the tax implications of each option. 
  6. Cash Flow: Leasing may offer better cash flow management with predictable monthly payments. Buying requires a larger upfront investment but eliminates ongoing lease payments. 

Consider your business needs, budget, and long-term goals when deciding between leasing and buying equipment. Each option has its pros and cons, so choose wisely based on what aligns best with your business strategy. 

The Key to Maintaining Health Cash Flow

Healthy Cash Flow Facebook Post

Are you struggling with invoicing? Here are some valuable tips to help you streamline your invoicing process and get paid faster: 

  1. Clear and Detailed Invoices: Ensure your invoices are easily understood and include all relevant details, such as services provided, payment terms, and due dates. 
  2. Use Professional Invoicing Software: Invest in reliable invoicing software that can automate the process, track payments, and send reminders to clients about overdue invoices. 
  3. Set Clear Payment Terms: Communicate your payment terms clearly upfront to avoid any misunderstandings. Include details such as payment methods accepted, late fees, and discounts for early payments. 
  4. Send Invoices Promptly: Don't wait too long to send out invoices. Send them promptly after completing the work or delivering the product to ensure timely payments. 
  5. Follow Up on Overdue Invoices: Track overdue invoices and follow up with gentle reminders to clients. Sometimes, a friendly nudge is all it takes to get paid. 
  6. Offer Multiple Payment Options: Make it convenient for clients to pay you by offering multiple payment options such as credit/debit cards, PayPal, bank transfers, and checks. 
  7. Keep Accurate Records: Maintain accurate records of all invoices, payments, and client communications. This will help you stay organized and resolve any discrepancies quickly. 

Remember, efficient invoicing is key to maintaining healthy cash flow and running a successful small business. Implement these tips and watch your invoicing process become smoother and more effective! 

Customer Loyalty


Customer Loyalty is more vital than ever in 2024. Check out these key reasons why: 

  1. Repeat Business: Loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, contributing to consistent revenue streams for your business. 
  2. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Satisfied customers become brand advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and attracting new customers. 
  3. Cost Savings: Acquiring new customers is more expensive than retaining existing ones. Building loyalty saves on marketing and acquisition costs. 
  4. Feedback and Improvement: Loyal customers provide valuable feedback, helping you improve products/services and enhance the overall customer experience. 
  5. Competitive Advantage:  Customer loyalty sets your business apart in a competitive market, fostering long-term relationships and sustainable growth. 

Read more about the importance of customer loyalty in 2024:

Meet John Husch

Meet John Husch, Chair of Community Futures Crowsnest Pass  

Listen and learn about what he's gained through his volunteering with Community Futures. 



Team Photo Work and Collaboration Corporate Canva Banner

Creating positive team morale is essential for small businesses. It boosts productivity, creativity, and employee satisfaction.  

 Here are key tips:  

Clear Communication: Keep everyone informed and engaged. Regularly share updates, goals, and achievements to foster transparency.  

Recognition and Appreciation: These are not just formalities but powerful tools for boosting morale and motivation. Acknowledging hard work and accomplishments, both at an individual and team level, can significantly enhance the team's performance.  

Offer Growth Opportunities: Provide training, mentorship, and career development opportunities. Invest in your team's growth to show you value their skills and potential.  

Promote Work-Life Balance: This is not just a perk but a necessity for enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity. By offering flexible schedules, remote work options, and time off when needed, you can ensure that your team members are working hard and living a balanced life.  

Create a Positive Work Environment: Foster a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration. Encourage open communication, feedback, and inclusivity.  

Celebrate Successes: Celebrate milestones, achievements, and successes as a team. Create a positive atmosphere that encourages teamwork and camaraderie.  

By implementing these strategies, you can create a positive and supportive work environment that promotes team morale and contributes to the overall success of your small business.  

Visual Merchandising


Visual merchandising plays a crucial role in attracting customers and driving sales. Here are some key tips from the article to enhance your visual merchandising efforts:

Eye-catching Displays: Create visually appealing displays that grab attention and highlight your products' features and benefits.

Theme and Storytelling: Develop a theme or tell a story through your displays to engage customers and create a memorable shopping experience.

Use of Lighting: Utilize lighting strategically to showcase products, create ambiance, and draw focus to key areas of your store.

Visual Hierarchy: Arrange products in a visually appealing hierarchy, considering factors like color, size, and placement to guide customers' attention.

Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements such as digital displays, touchscreens, or product demos to engage customers and encourage exploration.

Consistency and Maintenance: Maintain consistency in your visual merchandising efforts across different areas of your store and regularly update displays to keep them fresh and relevant.

By implementing these tips, you can enhance your store's visual appeal, captivate customers, and boost sales.

Read the full article for detailed insights and practical strategies to elevate your visual merchandising

Read the full article for detailed insights and practical strategies to elevate your visual merchandising


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Box 818
Blairmore, AB  T0K 0E0
P: 403-562-8858
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Bellevue, Blairmore, Coleman, Crowsnest Pass, Frank, and Hillcrest